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Books inspire people to do great things and better themselves in the best ways possible.

1. Think & Grow Rich

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

     Hey guys, This is the first book that I have read in a really long time, and I think that it is the absolute best first book to start my blog on it. Why? Simply because this is the book that really inspired me to start something like this, something that I would definitely enjoy doing.  I discovered this book in the Mind and Body section in Barnes and Noble. This was a completely new genre to me and I was interested in what it had to offer, in the terms of living life. It demolished my expectations and I enjoyed every chapter, every page, every sentence in that book.

     This book was very open and simple to comprehend, and I really thank the author for that because I think that it really offered to the appeal of the book. It's also a plus when you are trying to reach out to people that may not read a lot but would need a book like this in their lives. 
 I do have some bad news for you guys though, this book does not literally tell you, step by step, on how to get rich. This book just allows you to change your mindset and open up to allowing yourself to earn a great wealth.This book covers 13 Principles and I am going to be going over the ones that caught my eyes the most. I will try not to spoil too much. Though I would definitely recommend anyone and everyone, invest in buying this book.

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