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Books inspire people to do great things and better themselves in the best ways possible.

Rule 5: Children

Monday, June 4, 2018

      Well, this is awkward... Guys, I'm 19, almost 20, I do not have any kids, so I don't have any first-hand advice on how hard it is. Kudos to all the parents who have raised amazing kids. You are greatly appreciated.

     The is chapter is all about how to raise amazing and good behaving children, so those who are expecting ( CONGRATULATIONS) maybe you can check out this chapter. I feel like it actually does have some good helpful advice.

     Okay, the first point, don't be scared of your child, and don't let them become a second-hand job at times that are actually unnecessary and can be avoided. Make sure that you are confident and have a comfortability with yourself when you are raising your child. That is what is gonna make it that much more enjoyable and that much more fun. You Can Do It!!!!!!

     Socialized reinforcement. We all know that you are going to show your baby?kid around and that's actually a really good thing for them. When they act good and appropriately in front of other people the get three times the reinforcements and compliments. Isolating a child would only cause ample problem in the future both mentally and physically. Everyone needs socializing skills and its never too early to start even for a baby.

     Okay, the big thing is rules/discipline. Rules cannot be a huge complicated textbook that continually contradicts itself and is never clear, most fully grown adults have a hard time following rules, how do you expect a small child? When enforcing these rules  PLEASE use minimum force possible. I know this is so obvious but remember this when your tired, upset, and stressed. People make mistakes, but the fact that you have a child, that should motivate you to do better, to be more in control.

    There are still so many more rules that I haven't mentioned, so check out the book, even if it is just for this one chapter.
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