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Books inspire people to do great things and better themselves in the best ways possible.

A. Society

Friday, April 13, 2018

SOCIETY! This was something that was mentioned and discussed in the book and This section definitely stood out to me a lot in the book, because society is definitely something that is hurting people. Everyone tries to live up to those impossible and unnecessary. Yes, it is true that some people really want those things that society advertises to the extreme. But then again, there are people who actually just like living a simple life. Or there are the people who think that the absolutely think that what the see is something they need more than anything. Realize, you can live without a huge ass or a super nice Tesla/BMW/Ferrari. They are not needed. You might agree with me now, but as soon as you see it you gonna change your mind in a flash. You have to stay consistent. Either let society rule your life, by choice and live to those expectations or just don’t. but be positive in your decision. 
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