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A. Science

Monday, March 12, 2018

  I don’t know which factor I should start with but I think that I am gonna start with the scientific aspect of everything. Because that is actually one of the very important mysteries of the book. What is Edmond Kirsch’s big discovery? Throughout the story, there are different speculations, from different scientists, on what it could be. Obviously one of the notions could be that Mr. Kirsch was going to prove that the Darwin explanations since it is the most solid explanation, but that would leave no excitement. Plus, there are books and articles that actually fight against that theory, and some of those are religious based notions. I’m sorry in advance if this seems confusing, this story is hard to explain without spoiling too much, and there is a lot of interesting twists and turns that I just can’t explain but I will surely try my best.

     There are mentions of other scientists and their theories to how the earth has come to be what it is. Like what about the Stephen J. Gould and his “punctuated equilibrium.” Said to explain the gaps in the fossil records. Though this does help support the Darwin explanations so it’s not technically an entirely different notion. There is mention “Panspermia.” This is if you believe that our lives were stimulated from a fragment of another planet or some cosmic dust. Could this be possible??? I don’t know. But that is an interesting theory, is it not? There was an interview that the two main characters viewed, and it CNN interviewing NASA astrobiologist Dr. Griffin Bennett. This was the most explained, and very out there, guess to the discovery. Obviously, everyone knows, or guesses, that life originated from space. What Bennett was stating was that life was seeded by others in the galaxy, or the universe or whatever, and that we are only half evolved into what would most likely eventually seem alien-like. The book explains it more but I tried to keep it vague to not spoil the entire explanation.

      The most interesting scientific information is obviously going to be the information that is going to bring out in the discovery and I don’t want to even give a hint to what that it is, cause I feel that if you read it you should really read every single word in surprise and interest. Its crazy cause at the beginning of the book it states, “All art, architecture, locations, science, and religious organizations in this novel are real.” Which is crazy because I don’t remember learning any of this in school, and that really adds to the interest and curiosity of reading the book.

      Stay tuned for the religious side of this book, See you soon ;)

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