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Books inspire people to do great things and better themselves in the best ways possible.

E. Organized Planning

Monday, March 5, 2018


     When trying to achieve your desire, you have to use your imagination and create a solid plan. You have to create something indestructible, and that is obviously not gonna happen on the first try. If it does happen on the first try for you, then that is awesome, but that is not likely to happen so don’t get your hopes up. Everyone gets knocked down a couple of times in their life, but it’s the people that don't give up when they are knocked down time after time after time. The more you get up from that, the more it shows your dedication to achieve what you have set out in your heart. That strong dedication is what is gonna turn your desire into its physical equivalent. When you figure out a full proof plan, repeat it to yourself every morning and every night, that way it will be engraved into your subconscious mind.

     The is five of the six parts of my review,  that I will be publishing here, on my blog, this book is called, “Think & Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill. If you are interested, stay tuned and follow my work.
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