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Books inspire people to do great things and better themselves in the best ways possible.

B. Specialized Knowledge

Friday, March 2, 2018

What is specialized knowledge? Very good question because I had no idea what it was either when I first started reading that chapter. Basically, though, it is just knowledge that is beyond what you can learn in school. This is something that you actually have to put effort into, you would have to use your spare time, that would mean skipping some parties, skipping some movies, but the benefit of that could definitely make up for the lost time. Self-motivation is the key to doing this though you can't just expect someone to always be behind you, pushing you.
     This research, motivation, and desire are what is going to really help you stand out from the crowd and make you successful.
     The is two of the six parts of my review,  that I will be publishing here, on my blog, this book is called, “Think & Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill. If you are interested, stay tuned and follow my work.

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