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E. To Conclude

Monday, April 2, 2018

       There is a lot for everyone to learn about personal finance and how to manage your money and what you do so that you can be wealthy, and the way to know if you are truly wealthy is to ask yourself “ How long will I survive without a job?” Most people live check to check and would last more than a week. But if you want to live to make yourself rich and no one else you need to grow your asset column. This is very possible, and it doesn’t mean starting an entire company it could just you be investing in something that you passionately have interest in. There will be an obstacle standing in your way, like how a lot of people don’t know the difference between an asset and a liability. There is also the more common ones like confidence laziness. These will get in your way but if your passion to be rich not work hard hours at a job you know you hate and hate waking up to you need to go out there and get some real assets, not a house and car. WORK FOR YOURSELF!!!!!
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